Sunday, 24 August 2014

Water babies and birthday cake

So it's been 9 days since I lasted posted and we have spent a considerable amount of time at the complex pool. To be honest it's a great way of melting the hours away and quite literally! The average temperature at the moment is about 42 C which is too damn hot!! We have been hiding from the sun mid day and either visit the pool first thing or late afternoon. The kids have loved it and have been making up all sorts of games between themselves which is a pleasure to watch as usually they are winding each other's bound to happen when they don't have any other kids to pay with.

However school starts next Sunday so we can breathe a sigh of relief as they are both itching to meet kids of their own age. Four weeks of only their own company and mine is enough to drive us all a bit loopy!! Paul is obviously working his rota so is about but gets a break from us!!

Daisy did start a swimming camp last week which was intense and a bit of a shock to the system! She hasn't done any real training since mid July so when we signed her up to swim 5 times a week at hour and half each day she was literally cream crackered by the end of the week! I must add that she did agree to this....we aren't one of those pushy parent sorts! It's something she wanted to continue whilst being out here. A chip off the old block I think! Anyway after 2 days of recovering she is ready to start it all over again this week. Summer camp will finish in a couple of weeks and then if she still wants to it will be training three times a week.......more manageable and no different from the UK.

Today has been my birthday and a bit of a strange one. Usually I am working or if not would usually do something which would involve a bit of alcohol! Not today.... we have got into this horizontal mode since being here and we just managed to venture to the pool this afternoon....again!  Paul is on nights so have seen him briefly, and Daisy made cupcakes! A great day really and no chance of a hangover tomorrow! Always a bonus.
Thank you to all who sent birthday nice to receive them from so far away. Feeling a little homesick but think that is because I am going cuckoo listening to my own voice!! Haha

Oh I nearly forgot....happy bank holiday to all my UK friends & family!! Last one until Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds seriously hot!! A very belated happy birthday, am loving the blog Xxx
