I am by no means the Rebecca Stonehill of this world ( respect ) but I thought it may be a way of keeping in touch with family & friends on what we are doing out here.
It is 2 weeks ago today that we flew out to Abu Dhabi to join Paul.... wow that has gone fast already!
It is a weird feeling at the moment because it's as though we should be enjoying all the sights and activities of the city yet I keep having to remind myself that we are here for 2 years and we have plenty of time to do all that. Plus to do everything in a short space of time would be very costly!
My first impressions of the city.........crystal blue seas, white sand, incredible gold & white mosques, traditional arabic dress, pristine clean malls, very US influenced, skyscrapers, beach clubs and sunshine!!
The weather at the this time is extremely hot therefore it is difficult to do much outside which is a great shame as there are so many things to do in this vibrant city.... a lot being outdoors! As you know.... school holidays and kids = need things to do.......quite difficult without spending too much money! We have visited many malls.... not to shop but to wander but also the kids cottoned on very soon after arriving that every mall has a kids zone which means they can play on lots of games which of course require coins but they have been happy to spend their money so if that's what keeps them happy so be it!
We have also visited the local bowling alley which is the biggest I have ever seen and we have been to the complex pool almost everyday since arriving. We usually go at around 4-5pm as the sun is not so intense although it is still very hot.
Yesterday I found an arts & crafts shop Art Beat in town so we spent a couple of hours there where they painted some mugs to take home. Again not a free activity but something different!
Today is one of those lazy days where PJ's are still on at midday! Paul is on his second of four day shifts and we are going to bake choc chip cookies and go to the pool....oh and catch up with the second episode of the Great British Bake off! Lif is tough at the mo!! Since being here Paul has purchased Apple TV so we can stream pretty much anything. I'm not particularly bothered but am quite happy to watch the TGBB!
I hope this finds you all well.... would love to hear how you all are!!
Hey Tanya, so great you are doing a blog, brilliant :) Really look forward to being kept updated with how life is for you all out there. Hope you're all coping in the intense heat. I remember that bitter sweet mall thing in India - they're a bit much, but at the same time you need them for the air-con!! X