I suppose it was a novelty to start with but as the weeks have gone on they have embraced their new school and always have something to look forward to. Their school is very different to the one they left behind. Obviously there is a huge multi cultural influence which they have taken to really well. They have made friends with local children as well as expats from other countries such as Canada, Australia & USA. They have been learning Arabic with the "non native" children which has been certainly a new experience for them. The school also has a huge emphasis on extra curricular activities and it is expected that the children do at least 2 after school clubs. Mine are doing 3-4 including the swim team, football team and hopefully netball team ( waiting to hear!) They also reward the children regularly for things they have done well and have a point system which if and when they collect enough points they can buy something in the school shop. Daisy 's competitive streak is coming out of her!
Reward cards for both Daisy & Franklyn over this past week
Driving to school has been a bit of a bind but I am really starting to get to grips with the UAE way of driving! I do believe that they have their own set of driving rules out here which is.... try and cut up as many people as you can whilst driving! It really is outrageously dangerous and you really need to have eyes all around you to avoid an accident. Drivers will quite literally pull out in front of you without hesitating. It very normal to hear honking horns throughout your journey. When I first started driving I got a bit upset when I was honked at for pulling out onto a busy motorway but I have 'manned up' pretty quickly and I am now starting to honk my way around Abu Dhabi! Haha There is also an abundance of BIG cars. Very much like the US for driving huge 4x4's. After driving a medium sized rental car for the past 8 weeks we finally bought our own car this week. And guess what....it's a BIG car! I feel like we really fit in now as we drive around in our 7 seater Ford Explorer! It's 6 years old but seems OK so far. We decided on a 7 seater as we can help out with school runs with other families but also when we have visitors it will make life so much easier!
Our new BIG car!
During the week Paul & I took advantage of a 2 for 1 voucher and spent 4 hours at Sadiyaat Beach Club chilling out. Its only a 10 minute drive from the bustling city but once there we felt like we were in paradise. It's the first time I have experienced the sea so far here ( as it's too hot!) and it was amazing! Crystal clear and turquoise blue! The sand was white and even pretty seashells on the seashore LOL! Here are some pictures just to make you all jealous back home!
A lazy Saturday around the complex pool.
So I start my new job as a primary school nurse on Sunday which will be a new experience for me. No longer a lady of leisure....too short lived for my liking! No doubt you will hear all about it in my next blog! Bye for now.